Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The 100 Greatest Muslims (2022)


 The 100 Greatest Muslims

December 29, 2022

1.    The Prophet Muhammad

2.     Umar ibn al-Khattab

3.     Ali ibn Abi Talib

4.     Abu Bakr al-Siddiq

5.     Uthman ibn Affan

6.     Aisha bint Abu Bakr

7.     Khadija bint Khuwaylid

8.     Khalid ibn al-Walid

9.     Husain ibn Ali

10.    Abu Hurayra

11.     Fatimah bint Muhammad

12.     Bilal ibn Rabah

13.      Al-Bukhari

14.      Abu Hanifah

15.      Abu'l-Hasan al-Ash'ari

16.     Saladin

17.     Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

18.    Abu Abdullah ibn al-Shafi'i 

19.     Al-Khwarazmi

20.    Ahmad ibn Hanbal

21.    Ibn Khaldun

22.    Malik ibn Anas

23.     Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz

24.    Abdul Qadir Gilani

25.     Ibn Sina

26.     Ibn Taymiyyah 

27.    Nizam al-Mulk

28.    Al-Kindi

29.    Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan

30.     Jalal al-Din Rumi

31.    Harun al-Rashid

32.     Abd ar-Rahman I

33.    Tariq ibn Ziyad

34.    Mehmed II

35.    Al-Biruni

36.    Suleyman the Magnificent

37.    Ja'far al-Sadiq

38.    Abd ar-Rahman II

39.    Ziryab

40.    Ibn Ishaq

41.    Al-Ma'mun

42.    Ibn Rushd

43.    Timur

44.    Akbar

45.    Al-Farabi

46.    Al-Tabari

47.    Ibn Battuta

48.    Jabir ibn Hayyan

49.    Mimar Sinan

50.    Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya' al-Razi

51.     Hasan al-Basri

52.    Ibn al-Haytham

53.    Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj

54.    Mahmud of Ghazna

55.    Muhammad ibn al-Qasim

56.    Musa ibn Nusayr

57.    Babur

58.    Al-Mas'udi

59.    Al-Zahrawi

60.    Ibn Arabi

61.    Omar Khayyam - The 11th Century Persian Poet and Polymath

62.    Jamal al-Din al-Afghani - The 19th Century Father of Modern Pan-Islamism

63.    Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab - The 18th Century Founder of the Wahhabi Movement of Saudi Arabia

64.    Rabi'a al-Adawiyyah - The 8th Century Sufi Saint Who is One of the Founders of Sufism and Who is Equated with Mary, the Mother of Jesus

65.    'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan - The 7th Century "Dome of the Rock" Caliph Whose Reign Firmly Consolidated the Umayyad Empire

66.    Al-Hallaj - The 10th Century "Christlike" Persian Mystic Who Said "I Am The Truth" and Was Persecuted, Tortured and Martyred for His Belief

67.    Al-Shahrastani - The 12th Century Persian Historian of Religions Who Wrote the Monumental Book of Sects and Creeds

68.    Baha' al-Din Naqshband - The 14th Century Sufi Saint and Founder of the Naqshbandi, a Major South Asian Sufi Order

69.    Shah Jahan - "The King of the World" Who, in the 17th Century, Became the Fifth Mughal Emperor and Who Constructed the Taj Mahal, One of the Architectural Wonders of the World


Mumtaz Mahal The "Exalted One of the Palace" and the Inspiration for Shah Jahan's 17th Century Taj Mahal, One of the Architectural Wonders of the World

70.    Nasir al-Din al-Tusi - The 13th Century Persian Polymath Who Became The Father of Trigonometry 

71.    Shah Rukh - Named for a Chess Move, The 15th Century Ruler of the Timurid Empire Whose Death Began a Timurid Game of Thrones

72.    Nur Jahan The "Light of the World": The Wife of Mughal Emperor Jahangir, She Became the De Facto Ruler of 17th Century Mughal India

73.    Fakhr al-Din al-Razi - "The Sultan of the Theologians", The 13th Century Author of The Great Commentary on the Qur'an and Arguably the First Multiverse Trailblazer

74.    Ferdowsi - The 11th Century Persian Poet Who Wrote The Shahnameh (The "Book of Kings"), a 60,000 Couplet Masterpiece Written Over 35 Years 

75.    Zheng He - The Great 15th Century Chinese Mariner and Explorer Who Led Seven Voyages to the Southern Oceans Including Voyages to Arabia and Africa

76.    Ibn Hazm - The 11th Century Andalusian Polymath Who Became the Father of Comparative Religion and the Author of The Ring of the Dove

77.    Mu'in al-Din Chishti - The "Comfort to the Poor", the 13th Century Islamic Saint From Afghanistan Who Spread Islam in India

78.    Nur al-Din Zangi -  The "Light of the Faith" During the 12th Century's Second Crusade, Years Before Saladin

79.    Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi - The 17th Century Reviver of Islam in India

80.    Ibn Bajja

81.    Aurangzeb

82.    Ibn Tufayl

83.    Malik Ibrahim 

84.    Mansa Musa

85.    Al-Nawawi

86.    Muhammad Baqir Majlisi

87.    Hafiz Shirazi

88.    Shadhili

89.    Shah Wali Allah - The 18th Century Great Renewer of Islam in India and the Author of The Conclusive Argument From God

90.    Shamil - Legendary 19th Century Chechen and Dagestan Resistance Fighter Who Delayed Russia's Conquest of the Caucasus for 25 Years

91.    Ibn Jubayr - The 12th Century Andalusian Traveller Whose Rihlah, Whose Creative Travelogue, Recounts His Crusader Era Hajj

92.    Suhrawardi - The 12th Century Iranian "Master of Illumination" Who Wrote The Philosophy of Illumination

93.    Saadi Shirazi - The 13th Century "Master" of Persian Poetry Who Wrote The Rose Garden

94.    Sayyid Ahmad Khan - The 19th Century Educator Who Was the Founder of the First Muslim University in Southern Asia and the Father of the Two-Nation Theory for the Indian Sub-Continent

95.    Muhammad Ahmad - The Mahdi of Sudan Who Created a Vast Islamic African State in the 19th Century

96.    Al-Mutanabbi - The 10th Century Abbasid Era Arab Poet Who is Considered to Be the Greatest Poet of the Arabic Language

97.    'Uthman Dan Fodio - The 19th Century Nigerian Religious Leader and Reformer Who Founded the Sokoto Caliphate

98.    Mulla Sadra - The 17th Century Philosopher Who Is the Author of The Four Journeys of the Intellect and Who is Considered to Be the Greatest Iranian Philosopher

99.    Ali al-Rida - "The One Well-Pleasing to God" Who Became the Eighth Imam of Twelver Shi'a Islam in 9th Century Persia

100.   Fatima bint Musa - "The Pure and Innocent" 9th Century Shi'a Saint Whose Shrine in Qom Draws Millions Every Year


Others worthy of consideration for The 100 Greatest Muslims:

Abdul Qadeer Khan, Abdulrazak Gurnah, Ahdaf Soueif, Ahmed Zewail, 'Ali Bhutto, 'Ali Shariati, Amini Wadud, Anwar al-Sadat, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Aziz Sancar, Benazir Bhutto, Caucher Birkar, Ebrahim Moosa; Elif Shafak, Fatima Mernissi, Fethullah Gulen, Firouz Michael Naderi, Gamal Abdul Nasser, Gowhar Shad, Hasan al-Banna, Hisham Matar, Ibn Saud, Ishaq Shahryar, Mahmud Shaltut, Malala Yousafzai,  Malcolm X, Malik Ambar, Maryam Mirzakhani, Mohamed El Baradei, Mohammad Abdus Salam, Mohammed Arkoun, Mohsin Hamid, Muammar Ghadafi, Muhammad Abduh, Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad IlyasMuhammad Yunus, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Nadifa Mohamed, Naguib Mahfouz, Nurcholish Madjid, Orhan Pamuk, Osama Bin Laden, Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, Ruhollah Khomeini, Sa'id Nursi, Salman Rushdie, Sayyid Qutb, Shirin Ebadi, Tariq Ramadan, Tawakel Karman, Yasser Arafat 


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