Thursday, December 2, 2021

A038 - 'Abd ar-Rahman II

 ‘Abd ar-Rahman II

‘Abd ar-Rahman II (b. 792, Toledo - d. 852, Cordoba).  The fourth Umayyad Emir of Cordoba (r. 822-852) in Al-Andalus Iberia. He dealt with the revolt of Mozarab Christians of Toledo and Cordoba and with the raiding Northmen -- the Vikings.  He was a builder and patron of letters and arts. 
The son of Emir al-Hakam I, 'Abd ar-Rahman II was born in Toledo.  In his youth he took part in the so-called "massacre of the ditch" when at least 700 people who had come to pay homage to the princes were killed by order of Al-Hakam.

(Al-Hakam spent much of his reign suppressing rebellions in Toledo, Saragossa and Mérida. The uprisings twice reached Cordoba. An attempt was made to dethrone Al-Hakam and replace him with his cousin, Mohammed ibn al-Kasim, but the plot was discovered. On November16, 806, 72 nobles and their attendants (accounts talk of at least 700  up to 5,000) were massacred at a banquet, crucified and displayed along the banks of the river Guadalquivir. Such displays of cruelty were not unusual during this period, with the heads of rebel leaders or Christian foes killed in expeditions to the north being put on show at the gates of Cordoba.)

'Abd ar-Rahman II became Emir of Cordoba in 822 and engaged in nearly continuous warfare (from 822 to 842) against Alfonso II of Asturias, whose southward advance he halted. In 825, he had a new city, Murcia, built, and proceeded to settle it with Arab loyalists to ensure stability. In 835, he confronted rebellious citizens of Merida by having a large internal fortress built.  Again, in 837, he suppressed a revolt of Christian and Jews in Toledo via the same measures. He issued a decree by which the Christians were forbidden to seek martyrdom, and he had a Christian synod held to forbid martyrdom.

In 839 or 840, 'Abd ar-Rahman sent an embassy under al-Ghazal to Constantinople to sign a pact with the Byzantine Empire against the Abbasids. 

In 844, 'Abd ar-Rahman repulsed an assault by Vikings who had disembarked in Cadiz, conquered Cadiz, conquered Seville (with the exception of its citadel) and attacked Córdoba itself. In response to the Viking menace, 'Abd ar-Rahman constructed a fleet and naval arsenal at Seville to repel future raids. He may have sent al-Ghazal on a second embassy to the Vikings in Ireland after this.

He responded to William of Septimania's requests for assistance in William's struggle against Charles the Bald's  nominations.

'Abd ar-Rahman was famous for his public building program  in Córdoba. He made additions to the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba. A vigorous and effective frontier warrior, he was also well known as a patron of the arts. He was also involved in the execution of the "Martyrs of Cordoba".

'Abd ar-Rahman is also best remembered for his patronage of the great composer and cultural innovator, Ziryab. 

Rahman II, 'Abd ar- see ‘Abd ar-Rahman II

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