Sunday, March 20, 2022

Index for Numbers 97 to 100


'Uthman addressed in his books what he saw as the flaws and demerits of the African non-Muslim or nominally Muslim rulers.  Some of the accusations made by 'Uthman included accusations of corruption at various levels of the administration and neglect of the rights of ordinary people.  'Uthman also criticized heavy taxation and obstruction of the business and trade of the Hausa states by the legal system.  'Uthman dan Fodio believed in a state without written constitution, which was based on the Qur'an, the Sunnah, and the ijma.

'Uthman dan Fodio wrote hundreds of works on Islamic sciences ranging from creed, Maliki jurisprudence, hadith criticism, poetry and Islamic spirituality.  The majority of these works were written in Arabic. 'Uthman also penned about 480 poems in Arabic, Fulfulde and Hausa.

Uthman dan Fodio (Dan Fodio) (Usuman dan Fodio) (Usman dan Fodio) (Usman ibn Fodio) (Uthman Dan Fuduye) was a Nigerian religious leader and reformer.  Shaykh ‘Uthman ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Uthman ibn Salih, known to the the Hausas as Shehu Usuman Dan Fodio, was born into a family of Muslim Fulani clerics in the Hausa kingdom of Gobir in present day northern Nigeria.  The family had abandoned the nomadic way of life several generations earlier and was dedicated to the teaching of Sunni, Maliki Islam.  By the end of the eighteenth century, 'Uthman Dan Fodio had inspired the Muslim Fulani to begin the jihad al-qawl (“preaching jihad”) addressed to the Hausa aristocracy of Gobir and its neighbors.  This aristocracy, nominally Muslim, was in the Fulani view polytheistic, given to “mixed Islam,” maintaining animist practices while at the same time adopting elements of Islam.  Such mixed Islam was common in the aftermath of the collapse of the medieval Islamic empires of the Sahel. 


2nd (second) century AH 98

3rd (third) century AH 98

10th (tenth) century AH 99

148 AH 99

173 AH 100

194 AH 99

200 AH 100

201 AH 100

202 AH 99

980 AH 98

1006 AH 98

1050 AH 98

1160 AH 98

3rd (third) century BCT 98

3rd (third) century CC 98

7th (seventh) century CC 100

15th (fifteenth) century CC 97

16th (sixteenth) century CC 99

17th (seventeenth) century CC 97, 98

18th (eighteenth) century CC 97 

19th (nineteenth) century CC 97, 98

20th (twentieth) century CC 97

322 BCT 98

335 BCT 98

384 BCT 98

765 CC 99

766 CC 99

790 CC 100

799 CC 99

809 CC 99

810 CC 99

815 CC 100

816 CC 100

818 CC 99

1400s CC 97

1571 CC 98

1572 CC 98

1591 CC 98

1596 CC 98

1597 CC 98

1612 CC 98

1640 CC 98

1650 CC 97

1750 CC 97

1754 CC 97

1774 CC 97

1775 CC 97

1789 CC 97

1795 CC 100

1796 CC 100

1797 CC 97

1798 CC 97

1802 CC 97

1803 CC 97, 100

1804 CC 97

1805 CC 97

1806 CC 97

1808 CC 97

1809 CC 97

1810 CC 97

1812 CC 97

1815 CC 97

1817 CC 97

1817 CC 97

1830 CC 97

1883 CC 100

1979 CC 100

1780s CC 97

1790s CC 97


Abbasids 99

    Abbasid Caliphate 99, 100

    Abbasid Caliphs 99

    Abbasid Empire 99

Abdallah ibn Ahmad ibn Amer 99

'Abd Razzak Lahidji 98

Abdul Qadir Gilani see Gilani, Abdul Qadir

Abdullah (brother of 'Uthman dan Fodio) 97

Abdullahi (Abdullah, brother of 'Uthman dan Fodio) (Abdullahi dan Fodio) (Emir of Gwandu) 97

Ab initio 98

Abu al-Hasan see 'Ali al-Rida

Abu'l Hasan see 'Ali al-Rida

Abu'l Hasan al-Awwal see Musa al-Kadim

Abu'l Hasan al-Tani see 'Ali al-Rida

Abu Musa Muhammad Harun al-Rashid see Al-Amin 

accidents 98

    accidents of Being 98

acreage 99

Adama, Modibo 97

Adamawa 97

Adamawa Emirate 97

A'dham 100

Africa 97, 100

    West Africa 97

    West African jihads 97

Africans 97, 100

    African Muslims 97

    African Muslim elites 97

Agadez 97

Ahl al-Bayt  (House of Muhammad, Muhammad's family) 99, 100

Ahmad ibn Amer 99

Ahsa'i 98

Akhbari tendency 98

al-Afsar al-arba‘ah (The Four Journeys of the Soul) see The Transcendent Philosophy of the Four Journeys of the Intellect 

Al-Amin (Abu Musa Muhammad Harun al-Rashid, Amin) 99

Al-Farabi see Farabi, al-

Al-Fiqh al-Radawi see Feqh al-Reza

Al-Haq ("Reality") 98

al-harakat al-jawhariyyah ("substantial motion" or "motion existing in substance") 98

al-hikmah ("philosophy", "theosophy", "wisdom") 98

al-hikmah al-muta’aliyah see Transcendent Theosophy

al-hikmat al-muti‘aliya) ("transcendental wisdom") 98

al-Hikmat al-Muta'aliyyah fi'l Asfar al-Arba'ah see The Transcendent Philosophy of the Four Journeys of the Intellect 

'Ali al-Rida (Abu al-Hasan, Abu'l Hasan, Abu'l Hasan al-Tani, 'Ali ar-Ridha, 'Ali ibn Musa, 'Ali ibn Musa al-Rida, 'Ali ibn Musa al-Rida ibn Ja'far, Ali Reza) 99, 100

'Ali ar-Ridha see 'Ali al-Rida

'Alids 99

    'Alid Imams 99

'Ali ibn Abi Talib 99

'Ali ibn Husayn 99

'Ali ibn Muhammad ibn al-Jahm 99

'Ali ibn Musa see 'Ali al-Rida

'Ali ibn Musa ibn Ja'far see  'Ali al-Rida

'Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha see 'Ali al-Rida

al-Ikhwan ("the Brethren") 97

'alim 97, 98

Ali Quli Khan 98

Ali Reza see 'Ali al-Rida

'Ali Shah (of Khorasan) 99

Alkalawa 97

Allah (God) 98, 99, 100

Allahwirdi Khan 98

Al-Ma'mun see Ma'mun

Al-Mazahir al-Ilahiyyah fi Asrar al-'Ulum al-Kamaliyyah see Divine Manifestations 

al-muta'aliyah ("exalted" or "transcendent") 98

Al-Rida ("The One Who is Well-pleasing to God") 99, 100

Al-Rida's Jurisprudence see Feqh al-Reza

Al-Risalah al-Dhahabiah (The Golden Treatise) 99

Al-Shaykh al-Saduq see Ibn Babawayh

Amadu, Seku 97

America 98

American 98

    American existentialism 98

Amin (Abu Musa Muhammad Harun al-Rashid) 99

Amin al-Sultan 100

amir al-mu'minin (commander of the faithful) 97, 99 

Ancient Greece 98

Andalusia 98

    Andalusian mystic 98

antinomian practices 98

Antiquity 98

    Late Antiquity 98

apple 98

April 97

    April 20 97

    April 20, 1817 97

    April 20, 1817 CC 97

Arabia 99, 100

Arabian Nights 99

Arabic 97, 99

    Arabic language 97

    Arabic literature 98

Arabs 97, 99

    Arab culture 99

    Arab descendant 97

    Arab party 99

arbab al-anwa’ ("master of species") 98

archetypal world 98

architecture 98

    architectural elements 100

aristocrats 98

Aristotle 98

    Aristotelianism 98

    Aristotelian school of philosophy 98

    Aristotle's followers 98

    Aristotle's works 98

asceticism 98

asfar (journey) 98

Ash'ari 98

    Ash'ari school of Kalam 98

Ashura 99

astronomy 98

Aswad 99

attributes 99

Avicenna see also Ibn Sina

    Avicennism 98

Ayatollah 100

'Ayesha (bint 'Ali al-Rida) 99

'ayn (place) 98

backbiting 99

Baghdad 99

Baha' ad-Din al-'Amili (Shaykh Baha') 98

Bala Sar 100

Basra 98

Battle of Tsuntua 97

Bauchi 97

Bawa (sultan of Gobir) 97

Bayan wujub al-hijra 97

Being of God 98

Bello, Muhammed see Muhammed Bello

Bibi Hamidah Khatun see Hamidah Khatun

bile 99

black 99

    black bile 99

    black complexion 99

    black insignia 99

blacks (people of African descent) 99, 100

blood 99

bonds of kinship 99

Borno 97

Bornu 97

Brethren (Ikhwan) 97

British 97

    British conquest 97

Burkina Faso 97

Byzantium 98

calendar 97

    Christian calendar 97

Caliphate 97, 100

    caliphal authority 97

    post-jihad caliphate 97

    Sokoto Caliphate 97

Caliphs 97, 99, 100

calligraphy 98

Cameroon 97

    northern Cameroons 97

caravans 100

celestial spheres 98

cheating 99

children of aristocrats 98

Christians 97

    Christian calendar 97

city 97

    Saharan city 97

    southern Saharan city 97

clans 97

    Toronkowa clan 97

clement 99

clerics 97

coins 99

commander of the faithful see amir al-mu'minin 

Commemoration Day 98

commentaries 98

communities 97

    "Islamic community" (jama'a) 97

    pastoralist communities 97

    rural communities 97

concepts 98

    concept of eternity 98

    concept of time 98

conjuring 97

conversions 97

converts 97, 99

Copulative Being 98

corporeal world 98

corruption 99

cosmic counterpart 98

cosmological philosophies 98

cosmology 98

cosmos 98

courtyard 99

created order 98

creation 98

    creation ex nihilo 98

    creation in time 98

    creation of the world 98

    creations 98

Crown Prince 99, 100

cultural renaissance 98

cures 99

Damad, Mir see Mir Damad

dancing 97

Daura 97

Day of Judgment 100

death 98

debates 99

December 97, 99

    December 15  97

    December 15, 1754 CC 97

    December 29 99

    December 29, 765 CC 99

    December 1804 CC 97

Degel 97

delta 97

destiny 98

dhawq (intellectual intuition) 98

Dhu al-Qa'dah see Dhu al-Qi'dah

Dhu al-Qi'dah (Dhu al-Qa'dah) (the month) 99, 100

    1 Dhu al-Qi'dah 99, 100

    1 Dhu al-Qi'dah 148 AH  99

    1 Dhu al-Qi'dah  173 AH 100

divine 97, 98, 99

    divination 97

    Divine Command 99

    Divine Essence 98

    divine metaphysics 98

    Divine Unity 99

Divine Manifestations (Al-Mazahir al-Ilahiyyah fi Asrar al-'Ulum al-Kamaliyyah98

doctrine 98  

    Doctrine of the Unity of Being 98

    Islamic doctrine 98

dome 100

economics 98

emirs (governors) 97

    Emir of Gwandu see Abdullahi

enemy 99

engineering 98

essentialism 98

eternal attribute of God 98

eternity 98

    eternity of the world 98

ethics 98

Europe 98

    Western Europe 98

evil 98

existence (wujud) 98

    "existence precedes essence" 98

Existential Cosmology 98

existentialism 98

    Existential Cosmology 98

    existentialist cosmology 98

    Islamic existentialism 98

existentialist cosmology 98

experience of the divine 98

extension of God 98

faith 99

Farabi, al-  98

Fars Province 98

fasting 99

fatawa 99

Fatemeh Masoumeh see Fatima bint Musa

Fatemeh Masumeh see Fatima bint Musa

Fath Ali Shah Qajar 100

Fatima al-Masuma see Fatima bint Musa

Fatima bint Musa (Fatemeh Masoumeh, Fatemeh Masumeh, Fatima al-Masuma, Fatimah al-Masumah, Fatima Masumeh) 100

Fatimah al-Masumah see Fatima bint Musa

Fatimah Zahra 99 

Fatima Masumeh see Fatima bint Musa

fatwa 99

fayd ("self-flow") 98

fear 99

feasts 97

    bridal feasts 97

February 97

    February 1804 97

Feqh al-Reza (Al-Fiqh al-Radawi, Al-Rida's Jurisprudence) 99 

fetishes  97

fighting 98

fiqh 97

    Maliki fiqh 97

five 99

    five attributes 99

Fiver 99

flag 99

flux 98

Fodio, Muhammad 97

food 97

    food supplies 97

    local food 97

force 98

form 98

four 99

    four pillars 99

freedom of will 98

French 98

French existentialism 98

friend 99

Fula 97

    Fula jihads 97

    Fula language 97

    Fula people 97

Fulani 97

    Fulani alims 97

    Fulani cattle-herding nomads 97

    Fulani clan leaders 97
    Fulani communications 97

    Fulani Empire 97

    Fulani nomads 97

    Fulani outposts 97

    Fulani pastoralists 97

    Fulani people 97

    Fulani scholar 97

    Fulani War 97

Fulbe 97

    Fulbe  pastoralists 97

Fulfulde 97

    Fulfulde language 97

    Fulfulde speakers 97

Futa Bundu 

Futa Djallon 97

Futa Tooro see Futa-Toro

Futa-Toro (Futa Tooro) 97

German 98

    German existentialism 98

Gilani, Abdul Qadir 97

gnosis 98

    gnostic imagery 98

    gnosticism 98

    Islamic gnosticism 98

Gobir 97

    Gobir capital 97

    Gobir military expedition 97

    Gobir ruling dynasty 97

God see also Allah

    God's acts 98

    God's authority 98

    God's knowledge 98

    God's power 98

    God's supremacy 98

gold 99, 100

    golden chain 99

    golden dome 100

    gold ink 99

Golden Age (Golden Era) 98

    Golden Age philosophies 98

    Islamic Golden Age 98

    Islamic Golden Age philosophies 98

Gombe 97

Gospel 99

governors (emirs) 97

grace 98

gradations of Being 98

Greece 98

Greeks 98

    Greek influenced cosmological philosophies 98

green 99

    green insignia 99

Gudu 97 

    Gudu western grasslands 97

guide 98

Gwandu 97

hadiths 98, 99, 100

hafiz (memorizers of the Qur'an) 97

hajj 98

    seventh hajj 98

Hamidah see Hamidah Khatun

Hamidah Khatun (Bibi Hamidah Khatun, Hamidah) 99, 100

Harun al-Rashid 99, 100

Hasan (ibn 'Ali al-Rida) (al-Hasan) 99

Hashemites 99

Hausa 97

    Hausa kingdoms 97

    Hausa kings 97

    Hausaland 97

    Hausa language 97

    Hausa monarchy 97

    Hausa peasantry 97

    Hausa peasants 97

    Hausa preachers 97

    Hausa rulers 97

    Hausa slaves 97
    Hausa society 97

    Hausa states 97

    Hausa warriors 97

Hauwa 97

Heaven 97, 100

    ascension to heaven 97

Hekmate Motaalyyah see The Transcendent Philosophy of the Four Journeys of the Intellect

Heraclitus 98

hermeneutics 98

Hijaz 99

Hijra (hijrah) 97, 98

hikmah (knowledge) 98

history 97, 98

    history of Islamic philosophy 98

horse riding 98

House of 'Ali 99

House of Muhammad see Ahl al-Bayt

human being 98

hunting 98

Husayn (ibn 'Ali al-Rida) (al-Husayn) 99

hylomorphism ("doctrine that physical objects result from the combination of matter and form") 98

Ibn 'Arabi 98

Ibn 'Arabi's Sufi metaphysics 98

Ibn Babawayh (Al-Shaykh al-Saduq) 99

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) ("Philosopher of Being") see also Avicenna 98

    Ibn Sinan metaphysics 98

Ibrahim al-Mahdi (Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi) 100

Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi see Ibrahim al-Mahdi

Ibrahim (ibn 'Ali al-Rida) 99

idea of the Unity of Existence 98

ignorance 99

Ikhwan (Brethren) 97

Illuminationism 98

    Illuminationist (Ishraghi or Ishraqi) 98

    Illuminationist philosophy 98

    Illuminationist school of philosophy 98

'Ilm al-Kalam  ("science of discourse")  see Kalam

imagery 98

Imam Reza Mosque (Imam Rida Mosque) 99

Imam Reza shrine 99

Imam Rida Mosque see Imam Reza Mosque

imams 97, 99, 100

Imami scholars 99

imamzadehs 100

incorporeal world 98

India 98, 99

inheritance 97

    inheritance practices 97

Inqilab yard 99

insignia 99

intellectual 98

    intellectual intuition (dhawq) 98

    intellectual sciences 98

intelligible world 98

invocation of Allah 99

Iran 98, 99, 100

    Iranian cultural renaissance 98

    Iranian Revolution 100

Iranians 98

Iraq 98

isalat al-wujud (primacy of existence) 98

Isfahan 98

Ishraghi see Illuminationist 

Ishraqi see Illuminationist

Ishraqi philosophy 98

Islam 97, 98, 99

    Islamic administration 97

    Islamic community (jama'a) 97

    Islamic doctrine 98

    Islamic existentialism 98

    Islamic gnosticism 98

    Islamic Golden Age 98

    Islamic Golden Age philosophies 98

    Islamic jurists 98

    Islamic land system 97

    Islamic law 97, 98

    Islamic philosophy 97, 98

    Islamic philosophers 98

    Islamic religious teacher 97

    Islamic scholar 97

    Islamic scholastic theology see Kalam

    Islamic sciences 97, 98

    Islamic scientists 98

    Islamic societies 97

    Islamic sources 98

    Islamic states 97

    Islamic systems of thought 98

    Islamic tax 97

    Islamic theology 97, 98

    Islamic times 97

    Islamic world 97, 98

Islamization 97

    Islamization of society 97

Islam's Golden Era 98

Ja'far al-Sadiq (Jafar Sadiq) 99, 100  

Ja'far (ibn 'Ali al-Rida) 99

Jafar Sadiq see Ja'far al-Sadiq

 jama'a  ("Islamic community") 97

January (the month) 99

    January 1 99

    January 1, 766 CC 99

jawhar ("substance") 98

Jibril ibn 'Umar 97

jihads 97

    Fula jihads 97

    jihad leaders 97

    West African jihads 97

jizya ("fees levied on individual subjects") 97

journey 98

June (the month) 99

    June 6 99

    June 6, 818 CC 99

jurisprudence 98

jurists 98

    Islamic jurists 98

Kalam ('Ilm al-Kalam, Islamic scholastic theology, "science of discourse", speculative theology) 98

    Kalam Allah ("Word of God") 98

    Kalam wisdom 98

kamm ("quantity") 98 

Kano 97

Kashani, Mulla Muhsin Fayd 98

Katsina 97

kayf ("quality") 98

Kebbi 97

Khan School 98

kharaj ("revenues on the land") 97

Khomeini 100 

Khorasan 99, 100

Khordad 98

Khwajah Ibrahim Qavami 98

kin 99

knowledge 98

kunya 99

Kutbeh Khani 99

lagoons 97

Lahiji, 'Abd al-Razzaq 98

Late Antiquity 98

Latin 98, 99

    Latin West 98

law 98

    Islamic law 98

Leibniz, Gottfried 98

life 99

lineage 97

    spiritual lineage 97

litany (wird) 97

logic 98

    "logic of transcendence" 98

Lyceum 98

madrasa 97, 98

Mahdi ("Divinely Guided One") 97

mallam  ("a Quranic or religious scholar") 97

Ma'mun (Al-Ma'mun) 99, 100

man 98

Maratta 97

March (the month) 100

    March 22 100

    March 22, 790 CC 100

Maruf al-Karkhi 99

Marv see Merv 

mahiyyah ("principality of essence") 98

Mashhad ("The Place of Martyrdom") 99, 100

masjid  ("mosque" or "place of worship") 99    

    Masjid al-Haram 99

    Masjid al-Nabawi 99

Masoumeh ("Pure and Innocent") 100

Massina Empire 97

masters 98

    master of sciences 98

    master of species (arbab al-anwa’) 98

    masters of Islamic philosophy 98

Ma'sum 99

material world 98 

mathematics 98

matter 98

medical cures 99

medicine 98, 99

Medina 99, 100

Merv (Marv) 99

metaphysics 98

Middle Ages 98

miracles 97, 99, 100

Mir Damad 98

Modibo Adama 97

Mollasadra see Mulla Sadra

Molla Sadra see Mulla Sadra 

mosques see also masjid 97, 99

    largest mosque in the world 99

    Mosque of Medina 99

motion 98

    "motion existing in substance" (al-harakat al-jawhariyyah) 98

Muhammad (The Prophet) 97, 99, 100

Muhammad al-Kanemi 97

Muhammad al-Qani' (ibn 'Ali al-Rida) 99

Muhammad al-Taqi  (Muhammad at-Taqi, Muhammad Taqi) 99, 100

Muhammad at-Taqi see Muhammad al-Taqi

Muhammad Baqir Maglisi 99

Muhammad Bello (Muhammed Bello) 97

Muhammad Fodio 97

Muhammad Taqi see Muhammad al-Taqi

Muhammad's family see Ahl al-Bayt

Muhammed Bello see Muhammad Bello

mujaddid  ("renewer of the faith") (a divinely sent "reformer of Islam") 97

Mulla ("religious teacher") 97, 98

Mulla Muhsin Fayd Kashani 98

Mulla Sadra (Mollasadra, Molla Sadra, Sadr ad-Din Muḥammad Shirazi, Sadr al-Din Shirazi, Sadrol Mote'allehin ) 98

    Mulla Sadra's existentialism 98

    Mulla Sadra's philosophy 98

    Mulla Sadra's time 98

Musa Kadhim see Musa al-Kadim

Musa al-Kadim (Abu'l Hasan, Abu'l Hasan al-Awwal, Musa Kadhim, Musa Kazem)  99, 100

Musa Kazem see Musa al-Kadim

mushahada  (mystical visions) 97

Muslims 97, 98, 99

    African Muslim elites 97

    Muslim communities 97

    Muslim elites 97

    Muslim judges 97

    Muslim law 97

    Muslim market inspectors 97

    Muslim prayer leaders 97

    Muslim prisoners 97

    Muslim scholars 97, 99

    Muslim world 98

mutakallim ("scholar of Kalam") 98

mystical philosophy 98

mystics 97, 98

    mystical philosophy 98

    mystical visions (mushahada) 97

Nafata 97

Najaf 98

Najmah Khatun 99, 100

Names of God 98

natural philosophy 98

nature 98

    nature of non-material worlds 98

    nature of reality 98

Nawfali, al- 99

Necessary Being 98

Neoplatonists 98

Niger 97

    Southern Niger 97

Niger-Benue valley 97

Nigeria 97

    Northern Nigeria 97

    northwestern Nigeria 97

Ni'mat Allahi order 99

Ni'mat Allahi Sufi 99

Ni'mat Allah Wali 99

Noah 99

non-material worlds 98

North Africa 99, 100

North Africans 99, 100

North African slaves 99, 100

November (the month) 97, 100

    November 7  100

    November 7, 816 CC  100

    November 9  100

    November 9, 816 CC  100

    November 816 CC 100

    November 1806 CC 97

Nupe 97

    Nupe outposts 97

    Western Emirates 97

Nuri, Ali 98

October 97

    October 1808  97

Omar Saidou Tall 97

ontology 98

order 98

origin 98

orthodox theology 98

outcasts 97

Oyoun Akhbar al-Rida  (Sources of the Traditions of al-Rida(Uyoun Akhbar al-Rida ) (Uyun 'Akhbar ar-Rida) (Uyun al Akhbar ar-Rida) 99

paganism 97

pagan customs 97

pantheism 98

pantheistic doctrine of existence 98 

Paradise 100

pastoralists 97

    Fulani pastoralists 97

    Fulbe pastoralists 97

    pastoralist communities 97

path of knowledge 98

Payam-e Astan 100

peasantry 97

    Hausa peasantry 97

peasants 97

    Hausa peasants 97

penetration of being (sarayan al-wujud) 98

perfection 98

Peripatetic philosophy 98

Peripatetic school 98

Peripatetics 98

Persia 99

    Persian family 98

    Persian language 99

    Persian literature 98

    Persians 98, 99

"Philosopher of Being" see Ibn Sina

"Philosopher of Light" see Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi

philosophers 98

    "Philosopher of Being" see Ibn Sina

    "Philosopher of Light" see Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi

philosophical reasoning 98

philosophy 98

    Islamic philosophy 98

    Islamic philosophers 98

    philosophical reasoning 98

phlegm 99

pilgrimages 100

pillars 99

"Place of Martyrdom" 99

Plato 98

poetry 97

politics 98

“possibility of that which is superior” (Qa‘ida imkan al-ashraf) 98

practical knowledge 98

practical wisdom 98

prayer for the dead 99

prayers 99, 100

preachers 97

    Hausa preachers 97

primacy of existence see isalat al-wujud

principality of essence (mahiyyah) 98

“Principles of Oriental Philosophy” (Qa‘ida Mashraqiyah) 98

prisoners 97

    Muslim prisoners 97

Prophets 99

Psalms 99

"Pure and Innocent" see Masoumeh

Qadiri 97

    Qadiri tariqah 97

Qadiriyya 97

Qa‘ida imkan al-ashraf ("possibility of that which is superior") 98

Qa‘ida Laduniya see "Transcendental Principles"

Qa‘ida Mashraqiyah see "Principles of Oriental Philosophy"

Qavami, Khwajah Ibrahim see Khwajah Ibrahim Qavami

Qazvin 98

Qom 98, 100

quantity of motion 98

quiddity ("essence") 98

Qummi, Qadi Sa'id 98

Qur'an 97, 98

    Qur'anic interpretation 98

    Qur'anic understanding 98

Rabi' al-Thani (the month) 100

    10 Rabi' al-Thani 100

    10 Rabi' al-Thani 201 AH 100

    12 Rabi' al-Thani 100

    12 Rabi' al-Thani 201 AH 100

Rahman, Fazlur 98

reality 98

Reality is Existence 98

Reality of God 98

reason 99

reasoning 98

religious political movement 97

religious teacher (mulla) 97, 98

    Islamic religious teacher 97

renaissance 98

Renaissance 98

"renewer of the faith" (mujaddid) 97

Resurrection 98

resurrection 98

revolt 99

revolutions  97

    Islamic religious revolution 97    

    Islamic social revolution 97

riot 99

Risala fi ḥuduth al-ʿalam 98

Risala fi 'l-ḥashr 98 

rituals 97, 100

    polytheistic rituals 97

rivers 97, 98

Roman Empire 98

Roman era 98

Romans 98, 99

Russian existentialism 98

Russians 98

Sabt ibn al-Jawzi 99

Sabziwari 98

Sadr ad-Din Muḥammad Shirazi see Mulla Sadra

Sadr al-Din Shirazi see Mulla Sadra

Sadrian philosophy 98 

Sadrol Mote'allehin see Mulla Sadra

Safar (the month) 99

    17 Safar 99

    17 Safar 202 AH 99

Safavids 98, 99, 100

    Safavid  capital 98

    Safavid dynasty 98

    Safavid kings 98

    Safavid period 99

    Safavid sahn 100

Sahara 97

    Saharan city 97

    southern Saharan city 97

Sahifah (of 'Ali al-Rida) 99

sahn ("courtyard") 100

sahn e-jadid ("new court") 100

Sarakhs 99

sarayan al-wujud ("penetration of being") 98

Sarkin Muslim (Head of Muslims) 97

Sartre, Jean Paul 98

Saudi Arabia 99, 100

Saveh 100

Sayyida Zainab see Sayyida Zaynab 

Sayyida Zaynab (Sayyida Zainab) 100

scholar of Kalam see mutakallim  

School of Illumination 98

School of Isfahan 98 

school of philosophy 98

schools 98

"science of discourse" see Kalam

sciences 98

    Islamic sciences 97, 98

    Islamic scientists 98

scriptural reasoning 98

secret knowledge 98

Seku Amadu 97

self-flow (fayd) 98

seminaries 98

    Shi'a (Shi'ite) seminaries 98

Senegal 97

sermon reciting 99

seven 98

    seventh hajj 98

shadid ummah 99

Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi "Philosopher of Light" 98

Shah Abbas I (Shah Abbas the First) 98

Shah Abbas the First see Shah Abbas I

sharia 97

shaykhs 97

Shaykh Baha' see Baha' ad-Din al-'Amili

Shaykh Shah 'Ali Rida Dakhani 99

sheep 97

Shehu 97

Shi'as 98, 99, 100

    Shi'a hadiths 99, 100

    Shi'a Muslims 98, 99, 100

    Shi'a pilgrimage 99, 100

    Shi'a revolts 99

    Shi'a (Shi'ite) seminaries 98

    Shi'a shrines 100

    Shi'a theology 100

    Shi'a 'ulama' 98

Shi'ism 99

Shi'ite seminaries 98

Shiraz 98, 99

Shirazi, Sadr ad-Din Muḥammad see Mulla Sadra

Shrine of Fatemeh Masumeh 100

shrines 100

Sifawa 97

sinlessness 99

sins 100

slaves 97, 99, 100

    Hausa slaves 97

society 97

    civil society 97

Socrates 98

Sokoto 97

    Sokoto Caliphate 97

Solar Hijri calendar 98

soul 98

    soul of man 98

sources 98

    Islamic sources 98

Sources of the Traditions of al-Rida see Oyoun Akhbar al-Rida 

span of life 99

speculative theology see Kalam

spiritual guide 98

spiritual journey 98

state 97, 98

    state of flux 98

    state system 97

"substantial motion" (al-harakat al-jawhariyyah) 98

successive creations 98

Sudan 97

    Sudanic monarchy 97

    Sudanic-Hausa monarchies 97

Sufis 97, 98, 99

    Sufi metaphysics 98

    Sufi orders 97, 99

    Sufi path 98

Sufism 97, 98, 99

Suhrawardi see Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi

Sulaiman al Mervi 99

Sunnis 97, 98, 99, 100

    Sunni Ash'ari school 98

    Sunni Ash'ari school of Kalam 98

    Sunni caliphate 100

    Sunni Islam 97

    Sunni Islamic scholar 97

supplication 99

systems 97, 98

    Islamic systems of thought 98

    state system 97

    systems of thought 98

Tabari 100

Tabataba'i 100

Tadhkiratul-Khawass 99

talismans 97

Tall, Omar Saidou 97

Tanbih al-Ikhwan 'ala ahwal al-Sudan (Concerning the Government of Our Country and Neighboring Countries in the Sudan) 97

tariqah 97

    Qadiri tariqah 97

tattling 99

teachers 98

The Four Journeys see The Transcendent Philosophy of the Four Journeys of the Intellect

The Four Journeys of the Soul (al-Afsar al-arba‘ah) see The Transcendent Philosophy of the Four Journeys of the Intellect 

The Golden Treatise see Al-Risalah al-Dhahabiah

theologians 98

theology 98

    Islamic theology 98

theoretical knowledge 98

theoretical mathematics 98

theoretical Sufism 98

theory of hylomorphism 98

theory of "substantial motion" 98

theory of the existence of motion in substance 98

The Transcendent Philosophy of the Four Journeys of the Intellect (al-Afsar al-arba‘ah) (al-Hikmat al-Muta'aliyyah fi'l Asfar al-Arba'ah (Hekmate Motaalyyah) (The Transcendental Wisdom Regarding the Four Journeys) (The Four Journeys) (The Four Journeys of the Soul) 98

Thursday 97

    Thursday nights 97

time 98

tombs 99

Torah 99

Torodbe 97

    Torodbe clans 97

    Torodbe family 97

Toronkowa 97

    Toronkowa clan 97 

Toucouleur see Tukulor

trade routes 97

transcendence 98

“Transcendental Principles” (Qa‘ida Laduniya) 98

“transcendental wisdom” (al-hikmat al-muti‘aliya) 98

Transcendent Theosophy (al-hikmah al-muta’āliyah) 98

Transoxiana 99

Tsuntua 97

    Battle of Tsuntua 97

Tuareg 97

    Tuareg allies 97

Tukulor (Toucouleur) 97

    Tukulor Empire 97

turbans 97

Tus 99

Twelvers 98, 99, 100

    Twelver Shi'a 98, 99, 100

    Twelver Shi'a Imams 99, 100

    Twelver Shi'a Islamic mystics 98

    Twelver Shi'a mystics 98

    Twelver Shi'ism 98

    Twelver Shi'ite seminaries 98

'ulama' 97, 98

    'ulama' leadership 97

ultimate perfection 98

Umayyads 99

unbelievers 97

unified theory of knowledge 98

Unity of Existence 98

unity with God 98

universe 98

Uqba ibn Nafi 97

'Uthman dan Fodio 97

Uyoun Akhbar al-Rida see Oyoun Akhbar al-Rida  (Sources of the Traditions of al-Rida) 

Uyun 'Akhbar ar-Rida see Oyoun Akhbar al-Rida (Sources of the Traditions of al-Rida)

Uyun al Akhbar ar-Rida see Oyoun Akhbar al-Rida (Sources of the Traditions of al-Rida)

valley 97

    Niger-Benue valley 97

veils 97

visions 97

    mystical visions 97

vizier 97, 99

vocabulary 98

wad' (position) 98

weapon of the prophets 99

West 97, 98

    Latin West 98

    West Africa 97

    Western Emirates 97

    Western Europe 98

    Western existentialism 98

    Western philosophy 98

    Western Roman Empire 98

    Western Sudan 97

    western Sudan region 97

wird (litany) 97

wisdom 98

Word of God see Kalam Allah

world 98

    Islamic world 98

    material world 98

worship 99

wujud ("being") 98

yearning 98

yearning for God 98

yellow bile 99

Yunfa (sultan of Gobir) 97

    Yunfa's army 97

    Yunfa's forces 97

Zamfara 97

Zaria 97

Zayd (ibn Musa al-Kadim) 99

Zaydi 99

Zaydi Shi'a 99

Zaydi Shi'a school 99

Zoroastrians 99

Zunuzi 98

Zunuzi family 98

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